Join Today!, not an original idea

Not an original idea but a good idea. I found this site last night, It's a group blog with lots of contributors from the big city to our north. It's very similar to what we're doing down here in the capitol city. It's good to see how other people in other towns are using the internet to link themselves together and share ideas. They just celebrated their 1 year aniversary Friday and in that year they had 1000 posts. Congratulaions


  1. Originality is over rated. It's mostly variations on a theme. What we need is action. And a plan. Thanks for both!

  2. I agree. There are very few true original ideas. Most are inspired by others and then taken to the next level. I mean Google was not the original internet search engine.

  3. I like their site, but I think ours is pretty good too. We definitely have a better way to link to individual sites. I could never figure out if these people had their own blogs or not. But their content was really good. I'm going to try to work on helping out with that.


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