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Musing on a full stomach

Not only was it great to be a guest of la Capitale Sunday evening for their Ninkasi beer master dinner, but it was wonderful to be a participant of a Salem event that is a part of the evolving landscape. The changes here in town are veering far away from the "lame" label so often given to our city. So much of it has to do with attitude and involvement. I'm thrilled to see so many young people stepping up and putting their ideas to work.
As VicD and I walked out of la Capitale and crossed the street, we looked up at a building just west of our path and we both thought (out loud) what a beautiful piece of architecture it was. There is much to discover here and I'm looking forward to being one of the many participants.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really nice, I like when communities come together too and things become more positive(:


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