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Blogger Info

I've been messing around with my Blogger template lately, trying to come up with a good three- column template. I wasn't having much success with finding one that I liked and that worked well for me. I finally figured out how to just change the code in my template and add an extra column. It's pretty simple. Here's the link to the instructions on BloggerBuster for those of you using Blogger that might want to try it. It looks a little overwhelming at first, but if you follow it step by step, it really is easy. I changed mine to the right hand side. You can check it out here (the header is still under construction though).

If you do change yours, don't forget to back up your template first - just in case! Have fun blogging!


  1. You can definitely get a lot more info to the eyeballs with 3 columns. I may get motivated now, but too many directions make me very nervous.
    Thanks for the shove, Rebekah!

  2. I'm happy to help you if you get stuck or overwhelmed, K! It's actually not so hard, but you do have to be brave when jumping into the HTML. :)

  3. Thanks, Rebekah! I'll let you know! :>) I appreciate the support!


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