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Capitol Favicon

Have you ever noticed that little orange "B" in the tab of your web browser when you are on your page or in blogger? You may have noticed that some sites have their own tiny picture up there. Those are called Favicons. They not only show up in the tabs but also in the URL bar. There are several sites that explain how to customize your favicon, here's one. It's a little bit tricky to do this so I've come up with a simplified version for salemites blogs. By the way, this will not work when you view a page with Internet Explorer, but who uses that program anyway? If you are looking at this site with Mozilla Firefox, you'll notice a capitol favicon.
If you want to have one like that, here's how to do it. 

  1. Go to your blogger dashboard.

  2. click "layout" of the blog you want to change

  3. click "edit HTML"

  4. Back up your blog template saving the file to your desktop(not mandatory)

  5. Find the word "</head>" in the HTML code

  6. Just above </head> put in the following code

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='' rel='icon'/>

7. Now click "save template" and view your blog in Mozilla Firefox.

If you have any questions or just want to let me know that you did this send me an email at
Good luck

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