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Salem Police to tweet for safety

News Release from: Salem Police Dept.
Posted: January 17th, 2012 3:23 PM

The Salem Police Department is starting the New Year by making a resolution to increase communications to residents via the micro-messaging medium, Twitter. The Crime Prevention Unit, which is tasked with facilitating community involvement programs in the deterrence of crime, will be using the social media site to help get information out to the community in a new way.

"The media has been fantastic in helping us pass along emergent news and information, but there are other items that are not urgent, yet still worthy of passing along to the community members," said Salem Deputy Police Chief Jim Ferraris, "and through social media, we're hoping to connect with residents on tips and other law enforcement-related topics."

The department chose @salem_police as its handle and will begin sending out messages Thursday, January 18. "We hope that social media-savvy Salemites will enjoy receiving our messages. The unit is excited to start and we're looking forward to our first tweet-up in a few weeks," shared Angie Hedrick, community relations analyst for the Crime Prevention Unit.

Law enforcement agencies across the country have turned to social media platforms as a resource to educate and inform their communities of criminal activity and trends and crime prevention tips. Added Deputy Chief Ferraris, "For us, any social media use is meant to provide an additional resource for us to help keep residents safe through the sharing of information in yet another way."

Follow the department online at or log onto to your Twitter account and use the search function to navigate directly to @salem_police and click the follow button.

For more information, contact the Salem Police Crime Prevention Unit at (503) 588-6175.

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