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Salem Police creates an email tip system for its ‘Most Wanted’ program

News Release from: Salem Police Dept.
Posted: January 17th, 2012 3:39 PM
Photo/sound file:

The Salem Police Department's Top Ten Most Wanted program celebrated its two year anniversary this week with an added feature for tips. The Web page, which lists ten of Salem's most sought after criminals, now includes a hyperlink for tipsters to send information on any of the wanted subjects electronically.

"This month we are observing the two year mark for the program and are proud to unveil a new element that will help make it easier for community members to send in information about wanted subjects," said Senior Ofc Kris Knox of the Crime Prevention Unit.

The e-tip system will add another method for citizens to use in case they prefer not to speak directly with police. Anyone viewing the poster online simply needs to click on the name of the contact officer and an electronic form pops up allowing the user to provide information, such as the subject's location, type of vehicle being used or the names of any known associates. "If the person chooses, they can remain anonymous," added Knox. However, users are encouraged to leave their information in case the investigator has any additional questions. The contact information will not be shared or released. That said, citizens who may spot a wanted subject while out in the community should immediately dial 9-1-1.

Since its launch in January 2010, 77 subjects have been featured and 51 have been arrested. Subjects have been apprehended as a result of proactive law enforcement efforts, as well as helpful citizens who have called in with tips. The posters are displayed throughout the community and subjects can be seen on electronic digital billboards, as well distributed to a wide variety of Willamette Valley law enforcement partners, such as Marion and Polk County Parole & Probation offices and the Portland and Eugene TSA. During the month of December, Lamar Advertising, which donates space for the most wanted subjects, ran a thank you advertisement from the department recognizing the community and the ad company for their help (see attached photo).

The Most Wanted poster can be found at and is updated on a regular basis.

For more information, please contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (503) 588-6175 or at

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