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Salem Police Dept. - SUN 7:51am

Salem Police Dept.: ***** UPDATE *****
Homer William Hayes has been located at an apartment complex approximately 1/4 mile from his residence.
"A Child Is Missing" was activated, and upon receiving the phone call, a local resident went outside to check and located Mr Hayes. He was not injured and has been returned to his family.
The Salem Police Department wishes to thank "A Child Is Missing" for their prompt assistance as well as the citizens of Salem for their assistance in locating Mr Hayes.

Salem PD is looking for a missing Alzheimer's patient.. Hayes, Homer William DOB 08191936, 72 Y/O, Missing from 200 Block of 24th St NE, Salem. Patient is wearing Dk Blue Coat, Blue Jeans (Dirty), Possibly wearing a base ball cap. W/M, 5'7, 255 Lbs, Heavy Build, Silver Grey hair (Balding), Answers to the name of Bill UPDATE

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