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Royal Blues

This post is counter programming to other events happening in the world. It's a shelter for those who want to be online but could care less about the big story of the day.

The big story in Salem is the upcoming sunny weather. In this town you have to be outside if it's 65 degrees or better. Expect the Saturday Market to be packed. For parents like myself, it will be great to watch the kiddos compete on the ball fields while our bodies soak in much needed vitamin D. BBQ's will be heating up and there will be a chorus of lawnmowers buzzing in the neighborhoods.

If you are online, write up a blog post about your weekend events. The blog has over 100 blogs to follow. The site sees about 30-50 unique visitors daily. The network of sites that have the widget averages about 770 unique visitors daily. That number continues to rise as more original content is produced online.

One new site that looks promising is Strange Up Salem written by Brian Hines. With the recent #Salemia craze unleashing some local creativity, maybe now is the beginning of Salem's renaissance.

Feel free to use this post to comment about other things happening in the world or get outside and enjoy what we have here in this great little town.

1 comment:

  1. I got the late Spring blu-uues,
    and there's so much sad news,
    but (boy-o-boy)
    it helped to read your point of view.
    Thank you!


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