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Recycle your Christmas Tree with the Cub Scouts

When you think of your Christmas tree getting brown, think green. Bring that thing to the Office Depot in SE Salem and have the Cub Scouts of Pack 31 recycle it. Or, call and have them pick it up. Here's the number 503-990-2644. The scouts will be in the Office Depot parking lot from 9am to 5pm today and January 1,2, 8 and 9. This is their big fundraiser that helps pay for much of their activities. This fundraiser helps keep the cost down for the pack and allows for more children to participate. The Cub Scout program teaches elementary school boys to become responsible, civic minded people. My son has been in the program for four years. He has learned about outdoor activities, woodworking, cooking meals for his family, sharing and helping his fellow scouts. The list goes on and on. Please bring your tree to the Cub Scouts and help keep are program going strong.
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