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Did you know there's a local radio DJ in downtown Salem? Well, not exactly "radio," the signal can only be heard online. It's called Salem FM and it originates from a studio on Liberty St. downtown. What you do is click on the site and click on the button that matches your computer situation. For instance, I click on the "Listen Now PC Users" link. A stream of music will start playing in your media player.

I started listening to this several months ago and found that the music fit my taste perfectly. It seemed like even the songs I didn't know were songs I liked. There aren't any commercials and the DJ breaks are brief making it a nice soundtrack to an online surf session. Warning, there is a very scary picture on the website of what looks like a very hungover Duck fan. That is not what the Salem FM DJ looks like. The picture freaked me out for awhile before I met the real person recently. In fact, I was so creeped by the photo that I pulled some of the links from my sites worried that the site might not be trustworthy. After meeting the DJ in person, I feel much better about trusting the music steam. It seems that he is a radio hobbyiest with all the modern equipment including audio mixers and microphones. The hobby grew quickly and now he is renting office space downtown. He told me that lots of people are listening to his stream but only a few in Salem. In the future there are plans to have more local voices on with interviews and possibly live music. Check it out.


  1. Whew, that picture was scary. I listened to the website and found it had pretty good music. Folks should check it out.

  2. Well thanks for the note. And just to be clear, I change the picture on the website to convey a mood or make it some kind of representation of something I recently talked about on the air. You happened to hit the site on a day that I had been talking about college. ( I didn't go to U of O though ).

    I'm quite aware that the music programming will not be for everyone. I do really appreciate the nod though. I'm having a lot of fun with it and I hope that it shows.

    Thanks again - DJ

  3. Sean is nothing like the well endowed homeless Duck fan. He is a great guy, and very funny. The station plays cool music and will broaden your horizons with sounds you will love.


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