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City of Salem Flood-High Water Information

News Release from: Salem Police Dept.
Posted: January 19th, 2012 10:39 AM

Due to high water throughout the area and the expected continued precipitation, the City of Salem has activated its Emergency Operations Center. There are numerous areas of flooding throughout the region, and the City of Salem is mobilizing resources to address the safety of the public.

Most of the creeks in the Salem area are at very high levels, and with precipitation expected to continue, those water levels are expected to continue to rise. At this time efforts are being concentrated on situations where life and safety are at risk.

The City of Salem has several sandbag stations available for the public get sandbags for their property. Those locations are listed below. For those being displaced, the Red Cross is working to establish shelters throughout the area. We will provide locations of shelters as they become operational.

We are asking for assistance from the public keeping themselves safe in these rapidly changing conditions.

• If you are in a building and notice water levels rising outside, consider evacuating before the water levels reach a point that creates a dangerous or hazardous situation.
• While driving, observe and obey road closure signs, barriers and/or indicators. Do not assume your vehicle can get through the high water.
• While driving in high water areas, be aware that some manhole covers get dislodged due to water pressure.
• Stay away from creeks, rivers and other bodies of water. Water levels can change rapidly and water currents are running very swift.
• As winds increase and rains continue, the possibility of downed trees and power lines increase. Stay away from downed lines and report them to 911 immediately

This is a rapidly changing situation and the City of Salem will work to put out updates as they become available.

Sandbag locations:
• Roth's IGA, West Salem-1130 Wallace Rd NW
• City of Salem Public Works- 14th St SE
• Orchard Heights Park-1165 Orchard Heights Rd NW
• South Salem High School-1910 Church St SE
• Swegle Elementary School-4485 Market St NE
• D St at 14th St NE
• Lowe's-1930 Turner Rd SE

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