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What can you do to help President Obama?

Here's an embedded video of the controversial speech that the president is giving to school kids today at 9am. Most of the Salem-Kiezer School District children will be spared from watching the video because the school year starts tomorrow. It dawned on me, this morning, that I might not have even known about the Obama speech if there wasn't any controversy surrounding it. Does all of this outrage over the address just bring more attention to the president?


  1. The choice of many to focus on partisan separatism above all else really bothers me. For goodness sake, WHO would object to anything the President said in that speech!? Be true to yourself, be strong, work hard, I believe in you... yeah, that's some REAL loaded stuff there. Wouldn't want the kids to get a hold of THOSE subversive mindgames!

    I'm so mad about the "controversy" I could just slap people. Seriously.

    Too many people are more interested in shooting themselves, or others, in the foot instead of looking at the real issues at hand. It doesn't do anything to make this world a better place, quite the contrary.

  2. It does bring more attention to the speech, but what message was sent to the kids that weren't allowed to watch it in school? Sad!


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