In Zone 1 here's your choices.
Gregg Dal Ponte
here's his web page
here's his campaign finances
his biggest single cash contribution was from Jeff Zeeb $1000
here's what he looks like, picture taken from his twitter page
Chris Brantley
here's his web page
here's his campaign finances
his biggest contributor was the Salem Keizer Education Association - Political Action Committee $3000
here's what he looks like, picture taken from his website
In zone 3 here's your choices
Patrick Sieng
here's his web page
here's his campaign finances
his largest cash contributions are from the OR War Veterans Assn $1000 and the Salem Keizer Education Association - Political Action Committee $1000here's what he looks like from his twitter account picture
Nancy MacMorris-Adix
here's her web page
here's her campaign finances
her largest single contributor is from Ellen M Scott $1000
here's what she looks like, photo taken from her web site
In zone 5 there's one candidate on the ballot
Rick Kimball
In zone 7 there's one candidate on the ballot
Ron Jones
Here's a list of places to drop off your ballot
Get your ballot in today.
Good luck to all those running . I'm sure this is a thankless job and requires many hours of dedication to children and our schools. You are appreciated. Now if I can only figure out where I left my ballot.
Polls close at 7p tonight.
Yes! Let's get out and vote. Local elections are especially important because they are the ones that have the most direct impact on us.