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Middle School evacuated after Student Tampers with fire system

News Release from: Salem Fire Dept.
Posted: May 16th, 2012 4:46 PM

At approximately 1:30 PM today Salem Fire Department responded to a possible natural gas leak at 1900 Block of Wilmington Ave NW- Straub Middle School. Salem Engine 5 was the first arriving fire company they were informed by the school staff the smell was located on the lower level of the school. Fire crews were told a fire sprinkler had activated near the boys restroom. NW Natural Gas and Salem Electric was requested to respond and assist with the incident. The main natural gas supply was turned off to the building and fire crews entered the building with monitoring equipment to determine the source of the reported gas smell. Fire crew determine the smell was from the fire sprinkler water. Fire crew discovered one fire sprinkler head had activated in the boys restroom.
Fire crew shut off the fire sprinkler system and assists with water removal.
Fire investigator and School staff were able identified a 14 year old male student involved with the tampering of the fire system. Subject is being refer to Salem Police Department.
School was cancel for the remaining of the school day and students were sent home. All after school activities were being canceled for tonight.
School is expected to re-open as normal on Thursday morning.
No estimate of damage cost available at this time.

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1 comment:

  1. It was really weird. It was 5th period, and then the fire alarm went off. everyone went outside and stood in their class lines. eventually, we were all told to go down into the field and wait there. We were all wondering what would happen, but the only ones who were worried were the ones who had valuable things in their lockers.
    We were all released at 3:00PM; 20 minutes after our usual release.

    I am a student at Straub Middle School.


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