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Vandals Cause Thousands Of Dollars Of Damage In Salem Area

News Release from: Salem Police Dept.
Posted: December 5th, 2011 3:52 PM

Vandals went on a spree of breaking windows, causing thousands of dollars worth of damage to a residence, businesses, vehicles and bus shelters throughout the Salem area.

The majority of the incidents appear to have occurred overnight from Friday, December 2nd to the early morning hours of Saturday, December 3rd. Thus far the Salem Police Department is aware of 30 incidents where windows were broken, cracked and/or shattered by what appears to be some type of small projectile similar in size to a BB.

Several Cherriots bus shelters were damaged in northeast Salem; however, businesses and vehicles were damaged throughout the city.

These types of crimes are very costly in dollars and labor and present a substantial public safety threat to our community. The breakage and shattering of the windows indicates the projectiles were shot with considerable velocity. This creates a significant safety concern because of the high potential for injuries to persons from the projectiles, flying glass or ricochet.

The Salem Police Department is asking the public for assistance in identifying those responsible for these acts of vandalism. Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact the Salem Police Department at 503-588-6027.

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