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A hidden pleasure

A young chef was asked “what is your ideal restaurant?”  He answered that a “fine dining soup kitchen” would suit me just fine."  It became a joke over the years.  But eventually, that joke became the answer he was looking for. Broken Bread.

This answer needed tempering.  How to get customers to embrace a restaurant that offers a few house staple items, but relies mostly on a blackboard “specials,” or “of the day” offerings.  In a world where large menus are the standard, could he pull off a restaurant with virtually no menu?  He decided he could.

There is a good fight happening out there.  One that uses terms like “localvoire” and “sustainable.”  A fight that relies on people choosing to consume responsibly, to purchase local goods and services, to think about the how and the long term implications.  Adam High and his business partner, Doug Davault, believe strongly in this fight.  They felt that a location in the Willamette Valley offered them the opportunity to act as intermediaries, between the abundance of conscientiously produced agriculture and artisan goods, and their diners.  They are certainly not the first to join this movement, but they feel they are in a unique position to offer this service at an affordable price.  Through the use of whole animals and seasonal produce, rather than procuring only the choicest cuts and tomatoes in January, they intend to control waste and reduce packaging.  By purchasing from local farmers and craftsmen, they work to keep their impact on the environment small.  By focusing on daily specials rather than the upkeep required for an extensive static menu, they believe they can make this work.

At the end of the day, Broken Bread is about one plate of food.  Yours.  Each plate is a stepping stone along the path of responsible consumption.  Each plate is a vote for sustainable sustenance.  Adam and Doug hope that path is a long one for them.  They are at the beginning of their adventures with Broken Bread, and hope the city of Salem and the surrounding communities will come along with them as they explore the bounty of this region and the local treasures they find out there.

Please join them and support our local community by dining at Broken Bread, located; 1128 Edgewater Northwest, Salem, Oregon  503-990-7117 


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