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Sign up for the Fa$t Lane Commute Challenge and maybe you'll even win an iPad!

From Thursday, September 1, through Friday, September 20, commuters who work in Polk, Marion, and Yamhill counties who register for the Fa$t Lane Commute Challenge will be able to log trips and ways they commute. Any use of carpooling/vanpooling, bike commuting, transit, telecommuting and/or walking will be eligible. Trips need to be a commute trip and logged into the Drive Less Trip Diary no more than one week after taken. Incentives will be given while supplies last upon logging the required, verifiable one-way trips by an eligible commuter.

What are the incentives, you ask? $50 visa cards, flip cameras, three iPads even! Lots of other swag, too. The Fred Meyer gift cards look especially nice - just for participating!

Register for the Fa$t Lane Commute Challenge today!

If you want to include bike commuting in the mix, remember the Smart Cycling Clinics!

Offered the first Saturday of the month, the clinics feature a 20 minute pre-ride presentation focusing on tips for riding safely on neighborhood and busy streets. You'll practice a few bicycle handling drills in the square before the ride. Then out on the road! The ride course will take you through a variety of types of city streets and intersections. We'll stop periodically to talk about strategies to share the road in fun, style, and safety. (Minimum age 12. Minors must be accompanied by a parent. Helmets required.)

Meet at 9:30am on September 3rd at the Wall of Water fountain on the south end of the Capitol Mall. The cherry tress provide pleasant shade for the outdoor class! The clinic will take about two hours, including instruction and riding time.

For more information contact Gary at 4bikes [at]!

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