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Trader Joe's Rumors

Here's some gossip about Trader Joe's opening in Keizer Station in January. If this rumor is true, it defies the logic that Trader Joe's selects communities based on the percentage of college grads living there. According to census data, Keizer has 20% of the adult population with a bachelors degree, Salem has 24%.

If you're hoping that they open in Salem, you're not alone. Rumors have been swirling for years whenever there is a new construction. Plans are posted for the development happening on the Boise property next to city hall. Here they are. If you zoom in on the right, there is a sign that says "GYM." I'm guessing they locked in an athletic club. Would this be a good location for TJ's

I'm probably the last person to discover this, but there is also a Facebook page begging Trader Joe's to come to Salem. Check it out.


  1. Color me dubious or just color me skeptical, but I think it's still in the "we want" phase.

  2. That post on Moms Like Me is over a month old and there hasn't been any official word on it happening from the paper.
    When I was down in California recently it seemed like there was a Trader Joe's in every neighborhood. Why can't we just get one here. How sad.

  3. It is sad and frustrating. When I visited Trader Joe's fan site this morning I noticed several California stores listed on the upcoming openings list.

  4. I would prefer New Seasons and not in a huge shopping mall, but in a neighborhood that is on a bus line, and/or bike and/or pedestrian friendly and near fairly dense housing (for example NE Salem near Christos & Salem Cinema).

    Main reasons: Sustainability.

    1. Trader Joe is a corporation that is not very green. See Greenpeace's site
    2. You pretty much have to drive to Keizer Station to shop. It would be better to have a grocery store on a convenient bus line and/or bike/pedestrian friendly - in a place where people in the neighborhood can visit frequently for fresh foods as well as folks from other places who might visit less frequently and stock up on non-perishables.

  5. I second what Maggie says about Keizer station - but not only do you have to drive to GET there, you even have to drive once you ARE there - the place is so spread out. It's definitely a very old-school car-centric development, sadly.

    However, it wouldn't surprise me if Trader Joe's did end up there. When I think about the other Trader Joe's locations, they tend to be near freeways or secondary roads, not right inside neighborhoods, so I wouldn't expect anything different if and when we get one in (or near) Salem.


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