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Self Policing is a place to add your voice to discussions happening online in Salem Oregon. Many people have access to post directly on the site, several have done this already. We've come to the point where the discussion is happening about what should be allowed on the site and what should not. My preference would be to have the least amount of restriction as possible on free speech but I know how things can get out of control online. What are your suggestions for making work? Post any ideas in the comment section below or send me an email.


  1. I think it should be Salem promoting, self promoting, but still geared toward a wide audience. In other words, free speech is great, but we have our own blogs for completely free speech. Some ground rules might be needed to keep this blog the appealing to many types of Salemites. Examples of rules could be (and these are basics) no attacking other blogs or bloggers, no cussing, and if you think it might offend your mother its probably not something you want to write.

  2. I agree with Lisa Anne, Salemites should be Salem centered, but I am just happy to be a part of this so far.
    Thank you SalemMan for creating this network.

  3. No cussing? I'm in trouble ;-)...

    Seriously though, we did talk at the meeting about not being too spammy. Our blogs by nature are self-promoting so keeping the posts not blatently self promotional would be nice. We business blogs can always buy ad space that says "Pick me! Pick me!" if we want to be blatant.

    I think Salemites should reflect everything Salem so that means a variety of ideas and styles. I agree with Lisa that basic "blog etiquette" should be in play, but otherwise I think a wide range of ideas should be encouraged.

    I'll talk to Jim about not posting any more porn on his blog...;-)

  4. I'm thinking we've done a pretty good job of policing ourselves and others so far. I think we just need to keep it up and if we have a question about posting something, ask around. I like the way Melina put it before, "If you wouldn't say it sitting across the table from someone, don't post it."

  5. I'm not interested in reading postings about peoples' products or services on this site. The purpose of community journalism is not to provide "eyes" for individuals' small business ads. I'm all about ad-supported content, not ad content. What people put on their own blogs is their own business, but I guarentee you that if the posting section of this site becomes overridden with people hawking product, we will all be rewarded with clicks -- to close the window. You can argue all you want about free speech, but even the church bulliten gets paid to run ads. Running ads that masquerade as content is a quick way to alienate the very people who are searching for alternatives to information.


Tell us what you think.