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I will be...Lesbian

I will be the womyn I want to be
I won't back down because I am a "sin"
I won't go back in the shell of my mind because I will cease to be and I have to be me
I know that I am alone
I know that 1+1=Baby
I see the bumper stickers
But I have been hiding for 40 years and I am tired
You couldn't imagine what that is like unless you were in my shoes
My worst fear is I will turn and hide again
No one sees me
No one hears me
I am a strong womyn who has worn weak
But I still want to be that womyn I know I can be
That womyn, well, she is someone I can't let down.
There were many who came before me who didn't let us down.
There is only one thing left to do.
My name is Debbie and I am a lesbian.
There can't be anymore turning back.

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