Ignite Salem 3 is here! We have a special program tonight covering tech, design, government and just plain fun. Stop by Northern Lights Theatre Pub for this free event at 7:45 p.m.
Tim O’Reilly Language as a Map
O’Reilly Media’s Founder and CEO Tim O’Reilly has used language to shape the software industry’s thinking several times. In the 1990’s he helped create and define the term Open Source (o help de-stigmatize “free software”). In this century he defined the term Web 2.0. By finding and evangelizing a meaningful name, Tim boosted the development and adoption of these world-changing technologies.
Charlie Tomlinson – Economic Gardening and the Creative Class: Place Matters
Charlie Tomlinson is the mayor of Corvallis, Oregon, and has dedicated his term in office to establish the Corvallis area as a magnet for the creative class. This presentation explains his methodology.
Michael Galpert on Detecting Photoshopped Images
That celebrity in a bikini? Duplicate people in a crowd? These aren’t real. Those are the work of Photoshop or Aviary. Michael Galpert shows us how to detect these fake images. For more reading on this check out eHow’s article.
Tim Hwang on What the Internet has to Tell You About Social Media
Tim Hwang, the founder of ROFLCon and a researcher at the Harvard Berkman center. He’s been focusing on the spread of internet memes like xzibit and three-wolf moon. This Ignite talk was filmed at Ignite NYC IV.
Alexis Buaer – How to Work a Crowd
Whenever there’s a crowd (like at a live Ignite event) you always have the opportunity to meet a new friend, co-worker, or potential date. However, meeting people, meeting a lot of people at a busy event is a skilled that can be practiced. Alexis Bauer has distilled her tips into today’s Ignite Show.
Mark Argo – Adapting Technology
The future of gadgets isn’t necessarily the homogeneous iPhone. With open source hardware and personal manufacturing, we can all have custom gadgets someday. At Ignite Toronto Mark Argo talks about what we can learn from history as we try to make a DIY future.
Bill Moore – Cash for Clunkers
Does it always make sense to get a new car? Cash For Clunkers was a great program for offsetting the cost of that new Prius. However, the math is not always that simple. Bill Moore walks through the total cost of a new car.
Andrew Hyde – The Posting Economy
Andrew Hyde runs Ignite Boulder. In this week’s episode he shares his thoughts at Ignite ATL about the rapid economic shifts that can be caused by user-generated content. Andrew calls this The Posting Economy.
Hillel Cooperman – The Lego Underground
Legos are some of the best toys ever made and there’s a lot more to them now Hillel Cooperman of the Jackson Fish Market takes us on his family’s journey into the Underground World of Lego in this week’s Ignite Show. Enjoy this exploration of Lego auctions, Lego CAD and custom Lego manufacturing.
Aaron Hockley – A Glimpse Into the World of Hot, Steamy #trainporn
Aaron Hockley attempts to rationalize his fetish for taking photos of trains.
Leesan Hepnova – Flat is Better
When technology is used for technology’s sake then something’s gone wrong. Function has to take priority over Form. Leesean Hepnova is tired of seeing Javascript and Flash used to make a website look cool with effects that make it less useable.
Greg Elin – Mr. Hacker Goes to Washington
The Obama Administration has taken broad steps to open up government. It’s created Twitter accounts, launched data portals, and released spending dashboards. Even with these steps Washington D.C. can be a foreign place to geeks. Greg Elin is a hacker living inside the beltway working with government officials to help with the process of opening up
Elizabeth Schulte – Dark Side of History
Ignite Salem favorite Elizabeth Schulte provides a disturbing glimpse into Salem’s sordid past.
Malkuth Dakmar – A.D.D – A creative’s curse, or a blessing?
A rapid-fire explanation of the benefits of Attention Deficit Disorder for creatives.
Stacey Holmstedt – Where Do I Go When I Die?
It’s one of those things you usually don’t think about: what will happen to my body when I die? Stacy Holmstedt has always been interested in the subject and in this talk she presents us with a very matter-of-fact answer to that question. She dives into the governmental and procedural consequences, while also explaining what’s happening in the body at the same time.
Andrew Odewah – Visualizing the U,S, Senate Social Graph
The U.S. Senate’s legislation is the result of ever-shifting alliances. Using data from Govtrack you can get every Senator since John Adams. You also get their roll call votes. By summing the amount of times Senators voted together and dividing it by the number of sessions in a given year, Andrew Odewahn was able to calculate Senatorial affinities. He then plugged the affinities into GraphViz to visualize each year’s social network.
Dale Doherty – Blessed are the Cheesemakers
Cheese was a happy accident. It was discovered when animal milk was exposed to bacteria. It has since been elevated to a tasty artform. Dale Dougherty, the founder of Make Magazine, has reclaimed this art from corporations and makes his own cheese.
Jeff Veen – Great Designers Steal
Jeff Veen, well-known for his design work on MeasureMap, Google Analytics, Wikirank and Typekit, lays out a strong argument for why iPhone imitators are the cargo cults of the digital era. The people building touchscreen knock-offs don’t understand what makes the iPhone great. So instead of creating an end-to-end service they attempt to imitate it’s flashiest features – kind of like Pacific Islanders who built “planes” out of bamboo.
Amber Case – Cyborg Anthropology
Amber Case is a Cyber Anthropologist and studies how tech is changing our lives. In just five minutes, she runs through her research on the ever-expanding population of cyborgs.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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