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Salemites Meetup

Nice to see some of you at the Salemites meetup at the Beanery last night! I enjoyed putting a couple of new faces to names and I especially enjoyed seeing all the old friends again. :)

I've really noticed a lot of changes in the online world here in Salem in the last few months or so. Things are picking up. People are talking. Networking is being done. Events are being planned - and attended (shocking, I know)!

I think we all have a part in that, but I want to especially thank SalemMan for putting this site together where the voice of people living the Salem experience can be heard! Awesome job, SalemMan! You rock!


  1. Unfortunately I missed last night's meetup but I'm looking forward to the next one as it is always nice to have a face to go along with an online identity.

  2. Hey Rebekah! I second the thank you to SalemMan. I had fun sitting around talking about Salem. I hope she didn't mind . . .

  3. Yup, we need to do this monthly I think. I'm anxious to finish the conversation we had about the site and the network. We had something least a little bit of something. :)

  4. I'm in!

    Still trying to get a grasp on at least one of those fun ideas last night :>)


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