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Who's Searching For You?

Have you ever searched for someone by putting their name in google and then seeing what comes up? Have you ever wondered if someone is doing the same with your name? If the answer to that last question is yes, I have come up with a way to find out when and where people are looking you up. Here's how it works. Go to a site called Put your name in and search. Their should be a lot of results old and new. If you go back to the main page, there is a link at the bottom that says "Know When You're Being Searched" click on it and sign up. Once you're done, you'll have a page in the Zabasphere. Update it with your info if you want or just leave everything blank.

This is how it works, at least for me. When I put my own name in google the Zabasphere result is the first one to come up. It's likely that if someone were searching for me, they would click on that. When they do click on that link, it sends out an email to me notifying that someone has searched my name. It doesn't say who it was that searched, just a location, IP address and cable provider. You'll also discover that internet bots are constantly crawling around and landing on your zabasphere. Don't ask me what those are or why they do what they do because even an Internet bot Wikipedia page makes it difficult to understand them.

It's kind of unfortunate that you may never figure out exactly who's searching for you but you can make educated guesses about who it might be. For instance, when you go for a job interview and the next day someone searches your name it might be that potential employer. Maybe you met someone new and handed out a business card and later they want to know more about you. You might even find a search or two happening in a city that you lived in the past and you can assume it is a long lost friend who is missing you.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who looks for their last name in phone books whenever they travel. She's confident that you'd have to be related to have their name. On the other hand, every once in awhile we'll receive a phone call from someone seeking a relative or long lost friend--and we can't believe they'll ever find the answer since our name is so popular.


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