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Fireworks Rock Salem Neighborhoods

The riverfront wasn't the only place in town celebrating our country's independence. Neighborhoods around town were flashing and popping with the sights and sounds of fireworks being lit off in the streets and driveways. I was very impressed by the organization and safety consideration by the celebration that I attended. The folks that were lighting off the fireworks kept the crowd of children far enough away from the blasts but gave every child a chance to have the experience of lighting one themselves. This was a great way to teach the children the proper way to handle fireworks. I know that a member of the family that hosted the party reads this site and I wanted to thank them for the great time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! We had so many illegal M-80s and bottle rockets going off in our neighborhood last night! Just doesn't seem like a good idea in an area with so many big trees. Not to mention Nixon-the-dog going nuts. I'm glad to hear someone's party was using good sense!


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