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Lessons Learned

Hearing feedback from readers on, the Beer and Blog meetup and the meetup, I've decided to start clearing up clutter on Eat Salem. Although the page loads quickly on my home computer, I understand that it's not so fast on others. It will be a continuing process as I decide how to best display the most relevant information in an easy to read format. There haven't been any complaints about the site yet but I'm always open for constructive critsism.


  1. Well, I like it, dog gone it!

  2. it's not going to be drastically different. Mainly we just need more space.

  3. Whew!
    It's tough to design a page these days. There are people viewing sites with 17"+ monitors on one end and phones and mini-books on the other side of the spectrum.

  4. Salemites is good. the layout is simple enough and you seem to fit a lot on the page. I've tried to think of how you can "unclutter" eatSalem many times, but havn't come up with anything yet.


Tell us what you think.