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Salem Police Unveil New Crime Fighting Tool

News Release from: Salem Police Dept.
Posted: July 12th, 2012 11:33 AM

In hopes of furthering its collaboration with the community it serves, the Salem Police Department has added a new feature to its webpage. The link provides a method for investigators to post photographs of people in hopes someone will recognize them and be able to provide a name for a face. The program is aptly named, "Can You ID Me?" Individuals featured on the site are not limited to suspects. Photographs may include unidentified witnesses who may be crucial to solving a crime. There is a link with each photograph so that someone can send an email to the investigator. As people are positively identified by officers, the photographs will be updated to reflect that.

"Can You ID Me?" was developed by Detective Mike Korcek and Echo Schmitt from the IT Department. It can be easily accessed through the following link:

With the ever increasing use of video equipment by businesses to protect themselves and their customers, the Salem Police Department is optimistic this new tool will aid them in keeping our community safer.

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