This coming Friday and Saturday, a twitter friend, @ozone2016, is holding a drive for blankets and cold weather gear (coats, hats, gloves, earmuffs, etc.) for Portland's sizable homeless population. His charitable organization, Ozone's Hip Hop Showcase, is holding two events this Friday and Saturday (December 17 and 18) in an effort to collect 1000 blankets and other gear to donate to the Downtown Chapel. The first night is a poker tournament, and the second is the official event, with music by some great DJs from Portland.
Now, some of you Salemites may give me a hard time because we obviously have a homeless population in Salem as well. However, anyone that's been to downtown Portland knows that there is a much larger population up there. Our local organizations also need coats and other cold weather gear, so if you have an issue with donating for Portland, please give to a local organization instead (or in addition). I personally know I am truly blessed and that Ozone's group has a great history of these types of events, and I will be supporting them by going up to Portland on Saturday to participate and help out in any way I can.
I feel a need to share what I have with people who are less fortunate than I. Whether someone is in a homeless situation through poor choices or no fault of their own is not my concern, to be honest. I am not here to judge anyone. All I know is that doing something like this for someone who has nothing makes a huge impact on them. I know that, for me, it would make a huge difference just to know someone cared enough to give me a blanket. If you feel the same, this is an opportunity to make a big difference with just a little effort.
I would love to have some company going up there, but I am also willing to just be a shuttle for donations if you are interested in giving but can't make it to the event. Please contact me at if you're game for going with me or want more info you can't get on the website.
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