Venti's, 325 Court St. NE will offer 50% off meals for Veterans and Active Duty (and Reserves) on Wednesday, November 11, 2009. All day until 9pm.
[Must present appropriate ID].
And here's an extra added bonus for any Veteran who has done a loan with Landmark Mortgage, an additional 50% off your meal. Landmark Mortgage should have sent you an email with a coupon. It's a pretty sweet deal.
Just a little way of saying "thank you for your service to our country."
(Note: 50% off valid for the individual military person with ID, not the entire party.)
A few notes for the weekend at Venti's:
Friday, Nov. 13
Post Mortem Party, for 13 Nights of Halloween (throughout downtown)
Saturday, Nov. 14
Jewelia Owens is playing in the basement 8-10 (21+)
DJ Timmy spinning 10-close upstairs (21+)
William Bragg photos in basement thru November
Heather Labbe paintings upstairs thru November
kudos to Venti's for doing this. I hope a lot of vets took you up on it.