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Beer and Blog

The Salem Beer and Blog was great last night! Only one problem I noticed. I was the only female blogger who showed up! I know you're out there ladies, so please come to the next meeting on Thursday, July 2nd.


  1. I hope to join you at the next meeting. I had this one on my calendar, but found myself triple booked and had to make some choices! =-)

  2. Okay! I confess! That's one of the reasons I hesitated.

  3. I'm sure there will be more ladies there in the future as this goes on. I was talking to a local lady today on Twitter who couldn't make it but wants to make the next one.

  4. Not that I didn't enjoy talking to the men there, I just know that there are more female bloggers out there and wondered where they were. The guys were great. And not at all intimidating, K! :)

  5. Maybe it's that I'm working on the second half of my century mark or maybe it's my shy side, but it usually takes me awhile to plow through the many excuses I have on hand to try something new. I'll get there, eventually.

  6. Ack! Just found out about it. So the next one is Thurs July 2?

    What time? Where?

  7. The next one is on July 2nd. The first Thursday of the month was the decided upon time at the last meeting. Check Beer and Blog Salem (member of for details for next month.


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