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Fishing Sunday/ update 05/25/09

Update 5/25/09
The Santiam River was beautiful yesterday. The water level was high making it difficult for me to wade out to my secret spot to fish. Most of the afternoon we spent watching our children explore for river creatures in the shallow areas. Lots of people did show up to fish but I didn't see anyone pull one in.

It was a bit disappointing to see a family near us who let a lot of their trash float down the river past us. We retrieved a cup or two and even brought some back to them but they didn't get the message. They continued to litter all afternoon. They weren't the only ones abusing the park like this. Everywhere we found broken bottles and cans left behind. In the past we would walk through and fill up a bag with the leftover garbage. We didn't have a bag this time and had to leave the messes behind.

Is anyone out there up for organizing a river cleanup day? We don't need masses, just a few people who want to do some good and improve a park.

My favorite thing to do during this time of year is to fly fish in the Santiam River not too far from Salem. Wish me luck, I'll try to get pictures of my catch, if I do catch.

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