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Salem Police to carry Special Olympics Flame of Hope through Salem


News Release from Salem Police Dept.
Posted on FlashAlert: July 11th, 2013 4:54 PM
SALEM OR, July 11, 2013: Members of the Salem Police Department will be participating in the Oregon Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run that is passing through Salem, Friday, July 12, 2013, according to Officer Brian Frazzini who is coordinating the Salem Police Department's participation.

The Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch, known as the Flame of Hope, will be carried through Salem by a squad of police officers and cadets as it makes its way to Newberg, Oregon for the June 13 opening of the Special Olympics Summer Games. The torch is carried across the state before the summer games to raise awareness of the Special Olympics Oregon's year-round sports training and athletic competitions for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Each year, a caravan of vehicles and police motorcycles accompany the runners as they make their way on the 11-mile route through town. (See route details below.) This year, the Marion County Chapter of Special Olympics will be in the caravan. Said Frazzini, "They are decorating a van to carry Special Olympians who are interested in participating, but cannot run the entire route." Special Olympian parent, Janet Annal, coordinated local Olympian participation. Her son, Matt, ran a portion of the route last year with officers and is excited to be involved again.

The Salem Police Department will be posting Twitter updates @salem_police throughout the event. Follow along and use the hashtag #TorchRunSalem to ask question or to track posts.

The route is 11-miles and begins (at approximately 10:30 a.m.) on the south side of town (Delaney Road Park & Ride) as the torch is handed to the Salem Police Department by runners representing the Marion County Sheriff's Office. The run will continue north on Commercial Street to Liberty Street and to the police station (555 Liberty St. SE) for a brief stop (at approximately 12:15 p.m.) where additional officers will join the parade of runners. The group will proceed north on Liberty Street and on toward the Union Street Pedestrian Bridge into West Salem and to the Brush College Park & Ride where the torch will be passed to the Oregon State Police runners.
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