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Was it too difficult?

We had only one person answer all the questions correctly for this installment of the Trivia. Jennie from Food and Books and Stuff won the $25 gift certificate from Sushi Kyo. Nice job Jennie. Here's the correct answers.

1.What is Jennie's favorite Chinese Restaurant in Salem?

Tong King

2.According to rumor around town and spread on the Look What's happening in Salem blog, what is the ratio of women to men in Salem?

3.How many blog posts did Karla write on her personal blog in May 2009

4.On the Pie O My blog, what was the ingredient Simple Simon used as an ice cream topper on June 17th 2009?

5.What is the #1 item on the list of Hellcat Betty's "Things I don't like?"
Slow drivers in the fast lane.

6.Is there a Trivia widget/badge on

7.What country did Cynthia and Mike teach English in?

8.What title does Cindy at Gumbo Ya-ya give the music player on her site?
A Little Cookin' Music

9.What state park did the vibrant photo team take their sister/sister in law to?
Silver creek falls

10.What is the number that I'm thinking of between 1 and 100 without going over?
27 was my number, Jennie guessed 43 but since she was the only one who played, she still wins.

Jennie also pointed out a flaw in question #4 I wrote June 17th and should written June 27th. My bad, I should have triple checked my work. I apologize if this screwed people up.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know the rules of playing if you've already won. Although, I suppose I could have played and opted not to be in the running for the prize. I mostly just had too much to do this week to get ready for the holidays! Congrats Jennie!


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