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Trivia train is rolling again!

All aboard! Here we go for the next installment of Trivia. Same rules as always. Search the sites for answers to these questions and guess the number that I'm thinking of without going over. Send your answers to me via email. If you get them all correct and have the closest number to the one I'm thinking of, you'll win a $25 gift certificate to Sushi Kyo. Here's the questions.

  1. What local photographer takes product shots for Venti's?
  2. What is the name of the reporter that interviewed John Kelly in 2002 from My Flying Career?
  3. Did Rob McGuire color his twitter avatar red for World Aids Day?
  4. What Sister's restaurant did Vegan's Nightmare eat at recently?
  5. Is Desperately Seeking Salem a "mommy blog?"
  6. What is Melina Tomson's Iphone App code #?
  7. What is the annual membership fee to become a "Market Friend" of the Salem Saturday Market?
  8. What cable TV show does Rachael Rossman get inspiration from?
  9. What nonprofit does Citi Zan work for?
  10. Guess the number that I'm thinking of between one and one hundred without going over.
 This round of trivia will end Monday morning Dec. 14th at 7am. I wrote the questions this time so Rebekah is eligible to win. Good luck everyone.

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