Join Today! stats

Some of you out there love web stats. Here are some stats for

In May, so far,
43 average unique visitors daily
894 uniques since May 1
the most popular exit link
recent search key words hire a salemite, alien daze parade 2009, salem oregon artist bloggers, mama2dylan

The widgets also have basic stats, here's some.

This chart shows uniques that have seen the widget with the scrolling links. The same person can see the widget on multiple pages but only counts one time in this data. It might be a little hard to see but the number of uniques has reached over 300 in one day.

This chart, "views by domain," shows what pages the widgets are viewed on for the month of May so far. I think that the way this works, is when the widget is seen in a browser within the page it's counted as a view. For example, if a widget is placed at the top of a web page it will more likely be seen then the bottom of a page and therefore counted more often.

Here's that same chart for May 20th only. is The Real Estate Jumble which added the widget recently. Thanks Melina.

The other widget, without the scrolling links, I call the "plain widget" averages about 75 uniques daily. I don't have that widget on This chart shows views by domain for May.

If you don't have on your page yet, you should. It's free and very interesting and helpful to understanding how people are using your site. If you are interested in making your own widget, is also a free site that allows you to make these mini web pages. It's great if you are a novice blogger or a skilled htmler.

1 comment:

  1. sometimes I feel like I've become addicted to my stats. I think it could be considered entertainment for the curious.


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